Now we create our Restore Job
asset: demo-ns restore namespace: test-namespace restore-type: to_alternate Target Cluster Cluster-01
We still have the Asset from prevous Session. If not, do
$Asset=Get-PPDMassets -type KUBERNETES -filter 'name eq "demo-ns"'
we read the latest copy using:
$copyObject=$Asset | Get-PPDMlatest_copies
An we need the Inventory Source ID of the Kubernetes Cluster we restore to:
$K8S_Inventory=Get-PPDMinventory_sources -Type KUBERNETES -filter 'name eq "Cluster-01"'
Restore-PPDMK8Scopies -CopyObject $copyObject -targetInventorySourceId $K8S_Inventory.ID -TO_ALTERNATE -namespace test-namespace
Monitor the Activity
Get-PPDMactivities -filter 'category eq "RESTORE"' -pageSize 2
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