Disable MFA
Get-PPDMmfa_securids | Set-PPDMmfa_securids -is_enabled:$false
At this Point, you cannot re-enable it as you will not have the token to access
First, we need to get the IdentityProvider having the users we want to disable MFA for. In Our Case it is the local Provider
Get-PPDMidentity_providers -type local
Check for any Bypassed (mfa disabled) user Account
From above we can see that user admin is already bypassed. We can Remove the MFA Bypass using:
Get-PPDMmfa_bypass_accounts -filter 'selector eq "local" and subject eq "admin"' | Remove-PPDMmfa_bypass_accounts
To disable MFA (Bypass) for a local user, we need to provide the accountname
Get-PPDMidentity_providers -type local | Set-PPDMmfa_bypass_accounts -accountname admin
List the Account bypass for local user admin
Get-PPDMmfa_bypass_accounts -filter 'selector eq "local" and subject eq "admin"'
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