In this lesson we simulate adding of a vCenter in Powershell.
As a vCenter is already preconfigured in the Environemnt, we can only look at the existing and change some settings
Get-PPDMinventory_sources -Type VCENTER -filter 'address eq "vcsa-7.demo.local"'
You should see the vCenter configuration now:
To Add new vCenter Credntials in ppdm, run the command
$CREDS=New-PPDMcredentials -type VCENTER -name testcreds
with the Credentials admin@vsphere.local / Password123!
To approve tghe Certificate ( also good for refreshing Certs) use the following Powershell Code
Get-PPDMcertificates -newhost vcsa-7.demo.local -port 443 | Approve-PPDMcertificates
Now we would be ready to add the new vCenter
Add-PPDMinventory_sources -Hostname vcsa-7.demo.local -port 443 -Type VCENTER -isHostingvCenter -ID $ -Name "DEMO VCENTER"
This command is expected to fail as the Inventory already exists
Start an icremental discovery using the function Start-PPDMdiscoveries
Get-PPDMinventory_sources -Type VCENTER -filter 'address eq "vcsa-7.demo.local"' | Start-PPDMdiscoveries -level DataCopies -start inventory-sources
With the Knowledge from Module 1, we can now review the discovery activity:
# Replace your Discovery ID here
Get-PPDMactivities -id 1ff60683-41e4-4389-8db7-38a549bc8ba4
Get the VM Backup Threshold Settings
Review the Properties before we chage:
Adjust the Values and review
Apply the Settings
Set-PPDMvm_backup_setting -vm_backup_setting $VMsettings
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