As we will re-use the StorageUnit (also refreed to as DataTarget) from Lesson 2, we read the Plolicy Properties with
$Policy=Get-PPDMprotection_policies -filter 'name eq "Linux VM"'
The DataTarget is stored in $Policy.stages[0].target.dataTargetId
We also need to create the following Credentials:
Credential Name: windows User Name: demo\administrator Password: Password123!
$Credentials=New-PPDMcredentials -type OS -name windows -authmethod BASIC
Again, we read our Storage System
$StorageSystem=Get-PPDMStorage_systems -Type DATA_DOMAIN_SYSTEM -Filter {name eq "ddve-01.demo.local"}
Next, we need to create a Database Backup Schedule:
Recurrence: Hourly
Create Copy: 8 Hours
Keep for: 5 days
Start Time: 8 PM
End Time: 6 AM
$DBSchedule=New-PPDMDatabaseBackupSchedule -hourly -CreateCopyIntervalHrs 8 -RetentionUnit DAY -RetentionInterval 5 -starttime 8:00PM -endtime 6:00AM
Finally, we create a Policy
Name: SQL Virtual Machines
Description: App Aware Policy
Type: Virtual Machine
New-PPDMSQLBackupPolicy -Schedule $DBSchedule -Name "SQL Virtual Machines" -Description "SQL Virtual Machines" -AppAware -dbCID $ -StorageSystemID $ -DataMover SDM -SizeSegmentation VSS
Now we need to Assign the Database VM Asset(s) to the Protection Policy. Therefore, we filter an asset query to the VM LINUX-01:
$Asset=Get-PPDMassets -type VMWARE_VIRTUAL_MACHINE -filter 'name eq "SQL-03"'
Copying the Policy Id from the Previously create Policy, we can run
Add-PPDMProtection_policy_assignment -AssetID $ -ID <your Policy ID>
View the Running Jobs
Get-PPDMactivities -PredefinedFilter ASSET_JOBS -pagesize 2
Get-PPDMactivities -PredefinedFilter SYSTEM_JOBS -pageSize 2
Get-PPDMactivities -PredefinedFilter PROTECTION_JOBS -pageSize 2
Finally, we start the Protection Policy:
Start-PPDMprotection_policies -id <your Policy ID> -BackupType FULL -RetentionUnit DAY -RetentionInterval 2
View the Latest Asset Jobs
Get-PPDMactivities -PredefinedFilter ASSET_JOBS -pageSize 1
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